Friday, February 15, 2013


In your multitude
Scarce to be counted

A million kudos to all the Prefects and everyone that supported us through these last few weeks. You're all stars in your own way.

Deep and meaningful Les Mis reference out of the way.
Brainmindthoughtvomit has the stage.

It's been a week of becoming more mature - physically and emotionally.
I've conditioned my body to sleep and wake at outrageous hours for days on end. Lol jokes I live 2 minutes from school. I've also never been much of a dancer but I don't think I'll ever forget the moves to GYC, ALAYLM or CIHTD. Ever. EVER. EVERR!
I've also learnt a great deal about dealing with people when they and I are both under significant stress.
Note: For me, becoming more mature doesn't mean I'll be any less of a retard.

It's also been a week of firsts and lasts.
First time I've 'bounced' someone from a school dance. LOLOL. Yada I hope you're proud of me. Nah it wasn't really even a bounce. A newbie brought his gurlfran from another school and there was a bit of an altercation with the prefects at the door, so they brought in some reinforcements - Doorman Kerrooster. I just went up to the guy, shook his hand and explained the rules to him, asked if he could arrange safe transport home and organised a refund. Apparently I was very smooth, but seriously, I kinda jumped into the deep end and made it up as I went. Hurhur
Last time I'll ever help run a school dance. This is the best one I've ever had the pleasure of participating in. All the prefects looked good as well. The boys cleaned up well and the ladies were quite the sight :L
First time taking part in running an assembly production. Legit, I was lying in bed last night, tossing and turning - doing the moves to GYC. Full credit to the scriptwriters, singers, choreos, techies and absolutely everyone.
First time I've ever overemotionalhappy cried and then suddenly emotionalsad cried. Teary spluttering happy sad runny-nose cried. Sometimes men cry. Haters gonna hate. I'm pretty sure Jess/Chelsea/ Nathan thought I was a complete weirdo :L

Swimming carnival on Monday. Did somebody order rock hard buns and washboard abs?
Because I lost mine in the wash lol. Sorry to disappoint.


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