Wednesday, July 27, 2011

ups and downs

Everyone's had them. Sometimes, you're on top of the world and everything seems to be going right. Sometimes, the world is all but against you and you just can't do anything right.
You can switch between the two in less than a day, a few hours, a few minutes or in a blink of an eye.

A lot of people seem to be going through hard times right now. Today, someone caved into the pressure and broke down after an intense rage. Family problems, increasing workloads and being stolen from were too much for them to handle. sympathy.

I don't want to sound like i'm exaggerating things but ive been through that. I went through a time where nothing was going right. Regardless of how hard i tried, even the smallest setback would get me down. I cried a lot and i felt like a pansy XD. Sometimes, I just felt like there was no way i could make it through, and i just wanted it all to just stop. It eventually did.  But only after i told my mum about what was happening and got it off my chest. Cliched or not, I really felt like a new person.

She confided in me today and she's been struggling with some issues at home. Turns out that she feels exactly like i did a few weeks back and hasn't been able to sleep. One of her friends took her out to max brenners after school today and i think that should help :) She's a tough cookie and i hope she pulls through alright.

If you see that someone's having a hard time, don't judge them by your standards, help out the poor soul - regardless of what you think of their situation. Your act of random kindness might make the difference.

make the most of your happy times, cuz i can't think of any more rhymes. =D

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